Rachel & Zion's Africa Journey
Our Kids Fest team went out from our camp into the villages and partied with those sweet little ones, sharing God’s love with them through stories, games, snacks, and songs. The team went to two different villages. In the second village, they faced quite a challenge. Of the roughly 150 children there, only 5 of them had ever attended church. The remaining children knew nothing of God and His son, Jesus. The team had prepared lessons on “The Armor of God.” They quickly discovered that these children had never even heard of God, and the concept of His armor would make no sense at all to them. However, 1040i is solution driven. The team quickly regrouped, and began Day 2 with Genesis 1:1. They were able to spend their remaining days covering creation, the life of Christ, and His death and resurrection. Another challenge then presented itself: many of the adults in the village did not want their children to hear about our God. They would try to disrupt games and lessons, yet our Kids Fest team did not waver. They shared valiantly. Only Heaven knows how many little African hearts were changed for Jesus through their efforts.
AND DON'T FORGET...we announced MISSION TANDA this past weekend. This is an opportunity to go with a group from Solace Church to Tanda, Cote d'Ivoire and visit the Solace Family Home! Apply online.