Our Partner: The 1040 Initiative

The construction and operation of the Solace Family Home would not be possible without our partner, The 1040 Initiative (1040i). They are devoted to giving life by providing water, health, and education in Cote d'Ivoire. 1040i was founded by Mike Cousineau. Mike moved to Cote d'Ivoire when he was in high school as a missionary kid. Initially he hated it and swore he would never live there, but God soon began to work on his heart and called him to devote his live to serving the people of Cote d'Ivoire. He lived there for many years as a full-time missionary of the Freewill Baptist Church before launching 1040i. 

It's impossible to describe the impact of 1040i in a blog post, but here are a few ways they work:

Short Term Projects

A project is a short term trip that serves Cote d'Ivoire. In February 1040i will be taking 63 US volunteers and over 20 Ivorian, French, and Lebanese volunteers to provide medical care, do construction work, and partner with local educators. In June, they will send a team to Tanda (where our Home is being built) to for construction projects and prosthesis work. 

To learn more about projects, visit https://www.1040i.org/go-on-a-project.

Tanda Bible Academy

In Tanda, on the same property as the Solace Family Home, there is a fully functioning primary school ran by 1040i. They have received awards and are considered a top school in their area. 1040i is now in the process of building a middle school and and electronic library to better assist their students in the future. 

Ivorian Staff

There are actually two parts to 1040i. There is the non-profit that operates out of Norman, OK and the non-profit that operates out of Cote d'Ivoire. While Mike spends most of his year working from Oklahoma, there are full time staff constantly working to improve the lives of their neighbors in Cote d'Ivoire. 

All photos are courtesy of The 1040 Initiative's Facebook Page